M&S can assist customers to implement Category Management with centering on scrupulous categories of spends to identify opportunities to leverage strategic procurement decisions. This will allow delivering added value to customers through the whole supply chain management optimization.

The Category Management provides the following benefits:

  • Spend optimization through consolidation
    With entire approach to category management procurement professionals can identify opportunities for consolidation between related groups of items to achieve volume discounts
  • Time Processing Reductions
    Category Management can reduce 3 times turnaround of time required to process orders in comparison with organizations without category management programs.
  • Cost Reductions
    Through Category Management program implementation M&S can deliver economy of scales to customers to obtain cost savings.
  • Increased Procurement Efficiency
    M&S will help to implement Category Management for customer to benefit from economy of scales for categories under management and obtain reduced turnaround time of procurement transactions. Additional benefit for customers to have increased percentage of FTE (full time equivalent) of procurement professionals involved in strategic activities.